Minggu, 24 Mei 2009



The education is very urgent for human being who wants to know more about himself and his God. Education can’t be separated from human being life, it hold significant role to perform a kind personal or conduct. How do we think next if human being forgot his main brain to use it to be a kind personal as the god’s hope?
As we have known well that education like a torch shines around country or nation. So that development of country itself depends on a good interesting for development of education. If education had taken a main attention by country, means government as the first actor organizer of country. Maybe the development of country could run as well. So the country could take a part of global competition in future. Therefore education has the important role to develop or to decrease.
The problem of our education
Few years later Indonesia had got a rank 114 levels of education development. It is too far to compare with Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, and Thailand, their rank are far above Indonesia. But irony Indonesia loosed by Vietnam where they got wisdom younger than Indonesia. In global competition there was few Indonesia took a part of international event namely superiority of technology and information discovery, limited person used internet, computer, or information technology. So they are becoming barometer the success level of Indonesia education.
Besides seeing processing of Indonesia education today, we will get pessimism that we will get a great competition with other. Then pass through a long think, analysis and research so thinkers, intellectual, and education expert had final assumption that one way to improve Indonesian human resources is repairing process of education. We know as well that the orientation of education today is how to make student could reach an excellence value no all education processing maters. They were one reason appeared cause factor corruption, nepotism, collusion, and other bad character reflection of Indonesia. No confused it was outcome of our education product system for two decades. The final education product system of ours is to get brilliant main; it was one barometer to be achieved. But there were more significant to have a attention such as affective and physicomotoric. Because human life couldn’t stand on one foot but he needs two foots or more.
Based on those problems, our expert of education too some penetration ways to solve deadlock our education system. The phenomenal way is to use competency base curriculum (KBK) its system was adopted by advanced country such as, Singapore, America, Australia, and Germany etc. it could be called brave way taken by our government, if we compare to condition of Indonesia today. Although this new system taken from different country especially about its history background between the develop and advanced country. Our government would like trying this system to our education system. Because its system gave a great advancement in processing education system for advanced country. One real example is for getting improvement human resources as the subject not the object of technology.
Specific understanding of KBK
There were many understanding of KBK (Competency Based Curriculum) given by some expert of science or education but general meaning of KBK is output of education based on cognitive, effective, and physicomric aspects as the final barometer value in order to be perfect personal as country and religion wanted.
According to Dr.Mulyasa, M.Pd on his book the title is (KBK konsep, karakteristik, dan implimentasi) to develop knowledge, understanding, ability, value, attitude and student’s interest order to do thing through in skill form accurate and responsibility success finally where the outcome of school able to perform strongly generation of country it mean the majority standard purpose of school.
The Big Solution to Education of Indonesia
At first the arrange of KBK inspired from awareness where paradigm and national education system up till now relied on direction and short minded is how to make student’s brain intelligence reaching to high level as well. Certainly it was one aim to be reached by school institution. So there are out of three purpose aim of education (Cognitive, effective, Physicomotoric). Finally the outcome of the school education is having intelligence students in one aspect only and another they haven’t solidarity, self help, loyalty and good moral such as excellence attitude to be watched. The school as education institution be able to reflect a good facility for education of student, a good type curriculum and high idealism on be coming a perfect person as well. No doubt that school is being commercial oriented as was happening today, gradually it will face difficult problem especially the development of education, rearing of quality, interest student to come in it. At the last it not enough basic competition whether the student and school one.
Basically, the school is vehicle of humanity identity of establishment with enthusiasm liberation. Educated student should be located as the active player where they have right to develop all potential of theirs and the teacher take a part as assistance, not the first player had been being applied by our environment education today. Then the teacher have a duty directing and giving motivation, liberation for student to develop and increase what they want to be. Therefore the teacher haven’t a role at the first actor as long as teaching process at competency based curriculum, because of teaching will be done by striving any kind of studying recourses. Thus no more respond that the activity of teaching will be said perfect if there is teacher’s speech where they are teaching.
At the least competency based curriculum system should give answer for this problematical to get ready qualified generation where they could show them selves in public through quality, knowledge, creativities, productivities, and high moralities in facing global challenge which full complexities problem, beside that skill full and morality as the main basic and central. Moreover as being substance of competency based curriculum itself is collaboration of any factor such as knowledge, skill full, and attitude.
Those are accumulation of any factor above the predicate of perfect human being would come true. Here are the main objective and basic philosophy of competency based curriculum system where embraced in its understanding that general competency based curriculum is curriculum which orientation for providing student’s life skill in order that they get a role actively among society, nation and country. Thus, idealizing KBK’s implementation in structure and studying and teaching become absolute to be done. In fact the principle of KBK oriented to substantial of school existence as the institution of education for the first should be said the most barren and unable.
The basic principle of KBK emphasize to quality of knowledge, value and attitude, development of skill life, the activity of studying and teaching concentrate on student and paradigm of studying all along life. The out put of education should be felt as the part of integral to fulfill the importance and country need. The education should be able to born generations were ready to wear wherever and whenever.

Issued By :
Managing Director of MANSA FM 95,8 MHz

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