Minggu, 24 Mei 2009



Presented by Ahmad Fauzi, S.Pd.
the Managing Director of MANSA FM 95,8 MHz Radio Station

Perhaps before going on our topic, we need to know the background of conducting English habit. Well, when we talk about English, it means we talk over a language, what do you think a language used for? For communication, of course. Now let’s describe what the communication is.
Communication has had many thousands of words written about it, many theories put forward and many attempts made to define it. Despite this, to communicate is something that many people find extremely difficult to do. Especially, when we communicate with foreign language, such as English, Arabic, Japan and the like.
It is perhaps worthwhile defining for yourself what you consider communication to be, is it stating clearly to what you mean? Is it listening to what others to say? Is it expressing what you feel and what you think? Is it using words, gestures or body language?
But it would be safe to say that in communication there are three basic actions: Those are listening, interpreting and giving feedback.
Listening is of prime importance, when we remember that a child learns to speak and understand by listening to what is going around him, we have some concept of the importance of the art of listening. At first, listening is taking in sounds, then making a sense of them, and then attaching meaning to them. Explanation, or rather clarification, is an equally importance aspect of communication. When meaning is clarified, one is often able to hear what is behind the communication. The meaning of the intention is clarified and interaction is enhanced, but perhaps the most importance one is the ability to give feedback. This can be done both verbally and non-verbally. A smile and a touch can both be equally valid, and sometimes more effective than words.
Today many management training techniques highlight the need for good communication and the importance of explanation, the reason being that if a person knows why something has to be done, he will do it more willingly.

Learning to speak foreign language takes commitment and practice. It involves learning new vocabulary words, new rules of grammar, new ways to pronounce sounds. And a big part of learning to speak other language is learning culture in which it is used. Many of which might not even exist in your native language, but learning all this can be fun and exciting. Just imagine when we learn English, we also need to learn English culture, that why we should know how culture and language work together, such as find ways to learn the culture of English speakers, but remember! Just because it comes from the west does not mean it is good, as everything has its positive and negative side, we try to take the positive side and avoid the negative one.
Well, recently many students studying English feel good about their progress as they learn its grammar and vocabulary and learn to read and write it. However, when it comes to actually speaking and pronouncing many new sounds, they won’t use certain words because they are afraid they’ll mispronounce them, many of my students avoid certain words that could be misunderstood if they are mispronounced. They become inhibited to speak because they think others won’t understand their foreign accent.
Please don’t feel self-conscious about having an accent. In fact, you should be proud of having one. Yes, proud! A foreign accent tells listeners that you speak at least two languages. That certainly puts you far ahead of a person who can speak only one language. Besides, the world would be very dull if we all sounded the same. After all, “variety is the spice of life”
Unfortunately, there is a disadvantage to having a foreign accent, it may hinder your ability communicate effectively in English and cause you to be misunderstood when you speak, please don’t worry, you don’t have to avoid saying certain words and phrases or be concerned about being misunderstood by other people for long, with study and practice, you will be able to improve your pronunciation of English as well as your speaking skill. Remember “practice makes perfect”
Learning English is just like learning the other skills. You must start from a dream. If you are student, high school or university student, dream of finding a job during a globalization era. In the office or company where you work you have to communicate with people from the other countries. In that situation you need a language that enables you to communicate with each other. So proficiency in that language is a must. Otherwise you cannot do your job. If you are now employed, dream of a high position. Imagine that you cannot possibly reach that position without English. With that dream, you will have strong motivation to learn English.
Dreaming is not enough. Despite this, you must take actions. To do that you may have hindrances. You may think English is very difficult foreign language to learn. This feeling may cause you to become reluctant to learn it. This is a psychological problem you must overcome before you actually start learning a language. In fact, learning any language is easy. We all speak at least one language. We could speak the language before we entered the school. Learning it did not need long hours of study. We learn it through the other people using it everyday. Of course learning a new language is more difficult. But, it is not so difficult as you may think.
Why is learning a new language more difficult? There are several factors that affect this. The first factor is the exposure to that language. The wider the exposure, the easier you will feel about learning it. That’s why you need to find an environment where the language is spoken. The second factor is motivation. Do you have it when you learn the new language? Does it come from within yourself? This intrinsic motivation will make you persevere in your learning. So, you will not give up easily. Your previous language learning experience is the third factor that affects language learning. If you had no experience learning language, you may have difficulty in learning a new one. This explains why illiterate people will not study a foreign language successfully. On the contrary if you have experienced learning a language before, you will find learning a new language easier. The fourth factor is age. When you get older your sensitivity will grow less. This is human nature. I’m not saying you cannot start learning a new language at an older age. I’m just exposing the fact that the earlier you start the better.
Knowing the above factors is advantageous. It helps you understand why one makes faster progress in language learning than the other. However, everyone will succeed in learning a language, if they are persistent. It is just a matter of the length of your learning. To succeed in foreign language learning you must adhere to the right learning approach. Then you must be a good leaner.
To learn a language does not start from grammar. You must listen to a speech modal. Then try to use it on your own. Do not be afraid of making mistakes. Nobody will laugh at you when you do. Of course, you need somebody who can give you feedback. Learn from the feedback. It may be about your incorrect use of grammar, the wrong choice of words or mispronunciation. If you are a student of SMU II Pamekasan, your teacher will do this for you. So, you learn the language through “trial and error” method. To be a good learner, you must do the following:
a) Begin with good intention and strong commitment
b) Start it now and don’t look back
c) Listen carefully
d) Take risks in using language
e) Ask questions when you don’t understand something in language you learn
f) Accept feedback and correction
g) Use opportunities to practice
h) Work hard
To conclude, effective language learning depends upon your responsibility for your own learning. You become a responsible learner when you are willingly do the things you are supposed to do in language learning. If you have this mental state, it is likely that you will learn English most effectively. I assure that your efforts for gaining the language proficiency skills will be rewarding.
Before we start discussing about “How to conduct English habit” we’d better know the meaning of ‘conduct’ and ‘habit’. Conduct means carry out or transmit. Habit means a regular way of behaving or addiction. Hopefully, by that explanation you will catch the main point of the topic. When you have already understood, there is nothing to say and discuss on “How to conduct English habit?” Stop asking “How’” But let’s do something, let’s start conducting English habit, let’s learn by doing. No matter how, let’s get started, just give what we have because conducting English habit does not ask what we don’t have. If you still asking “how and how” I give up, we never do something. When you agree “let’s start conducting English habit now’” I’m in your side and I’m going with you. Well, let’s we talk over what we (English teachers and students) should do to conduct English habit:
a) The teachers and students should have a good intention and strong commitment to conduct English habit
b) Providing the rule and punishment
c) Providing English area and conducive condition
d) Providing facilities and instruments
e) Providing fixed language program and course
f) Providing language study club
g) Learn trough “trial and error” method
h) Start with no doubt and start it now


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